Virya Shop

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artite2Arthritis is an inflammation that affects the joints and their tissues (tendons, ligaments) and determines a feeling of warmth and swelling. According to Ayurveda it occurs when there is an aggravation of Pitta Dosha (Fire), one of the 3 Energetic Fields that make up the human being, or when there is an excess of the field Vata Dosha (Air) which can accentuate the Pitta Dosha with its movement. You can imagine it like the effect of wind on the embers; they ignite and increase the heat they produce. The same way the increase of Vata Dosha and Pitta Dosha causes accumulation of toxins (AMA) in the joints associated with swelling and stiffness.

The increase of inflammation in the joints causes pain, also very sharp pain and deformity of the articulations.

We therefore recommend preparations such as Amavata Virya® and Boswellia Virya® that help to remove the excess heat and toxins, improving joint function and the associated use of Ayurvedic herbalised oils such as Ashu Virya®, to be applied on achy swollen and stiff joints. We suggest warm baths, hand baths and foot baths with plant powder like Unnah Virya® which give refreshment to the body. We recommend taking Unnah Virya® also for poultices to be applied in the affected areas to help eliminating pain and stiffness.

We recommend to accompany these preparations with gentle physical activity and a correct diet, which must exclude the assumption of cheeses, yoghurt, bananas, caffeine, sea fish, molluscs, crustaceans, seaweed, tomatoes, as well as fried foods, sausages, cold meats chilli pepper.