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If we pause to reflect for a moment we realise that our feet allow us to stay upright and the legs to move. Scientists have calculated that a human being, on average, goes 4 times the circumference of the Earth during his lifetime, making about 200 million steps. Feet and legs are our shock absorbers and for each of those steps, they have to count with our body weight. So the work they do is miraculous, especially if we are obese!

We should therefore avoid mistreatment wearing tight or pointy shoes, high-heeled shoes, wearing boots also in summer, or too tight-fit pants and let them free. First of all we need to learn a good posture for standing, sitting and walking. To start let’s try to stay with bare feet on the floor and observe if we distribute our body weight evenly on the big toe, little toe, outer end of the foot and heel; then we check that the ankles and knees are straight and the hips open, so that the spine will straighten spontaneously. Maintaining this posture we try to stand still and then walk in a loose and natural way. Most will notice that they adopted wrong postures. In the beginning it will be tyring to learn the correct posture, but then you’ll discover another world … and you will dominate it!

For the summer season it is necessary to keep the legs fresh to facilitate the circulation worsened by the hot season. This is why we recommend massaging your legs with oils like Narikela Virya®, which is refreshing and nourishing for the skin, to be applied over the entire leg and massaged gently from the foot towards the heart. We also recommend taking foot baths that are decongestant and stimulating for circulation with powders such as UttapaVirya®.

In case of lacerations, sores between the toes, varicose veins or bloating we suggest applying the herbalised butter Tapaka Virya® to the affected areas, assisting the natural cicatrization and helping to deflate and refresh the tissues.