Virya Shop

Virya Shop

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The hustle and bustle of modern life associated with incorrect lifestyles such as: going to bed in the early hours of the morning instead of the hours before 23.00, having a sedentary lifestyle, eating meals after hours, standing and crowded environments, abuse of alcohol and smoking, travelling many kilometers in the car, wearing tight undergarments and of synthetic fiber, can generate a physical stress that in males can lead to inflammation, bacterial or not, of the prostate.

The prostate is a gland of paramount importance to the male reproductive system and its constitution Kapha (Water) makes it able to produce the semen secretion. The prostate is regulated by androgens, the male hormones, which in Ayurveda are correlated with Pitta Dosha (Fire). The Kapha Dosha makes the prostate very resistant, but this positive feature can be turned into something adverse when an inflammation occurs, as it causes a certain delay in the appearance of symptoms and therefore causes a delay in starting the treatment.

According to Ayurveda, when there is an imbalance of the doshas Pitta (fire) and the Vata Dosha (air) in the pelvic seat, the prostate can fall ill. The consequences of inflammation are manifested by burning sensations and local pain, disorders of urination and decreased libido and erectile capacity. Firstly we recommend that you restore a healthy lifestyle and take Mala Shodana Virya®, an anti-inflammatory powder that refreshes the pelvic area, to eat before or during meals, dissolved in a little water. Following the directions of Ayurveda we also recommend to associate a blood purifier as the tablets Vilayanam Virya® to soothe the excess heat in the blood and to implement a lymphatic drainage, favouring the reabsorption of prostate swelling, with the tablets Kancha Virya®. If you must increase the prostatic secretion, we indicate to use the Nirjala Virya®, a liquid preparation which stimulates the natural secretion of the gland. Finally, we recommend the use of the powder Uttapa Virya® that can be dissolved in warm water to take hip baths or that can be used to prepare a batter to apply locally with a refreshing and invigorating action of the male genitalia.