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The Parkinson disease, known in Ayurveda as “Kampa Vata” is a neurological disorder and is more common in industrialized countries. In Ayurveda, Parkinson’s disease results from a remarkable imbalance of Vata Dosha (Ether-Air), which may depend both on the person’s constitution, as on his lifestyle (emotional stress, poor nutrition, drug abuse, etc.). The manifestation of this imbalance is the dryness of all tissues of the body, in this case with a particular accentuation in the brain and marrow, with tissue damage that cause tremors, that is uncoordinated movements and rigidity of the facial muscles. Additional components of the disease commonly found are: muscle rigidity and mental depression.

Parkinson is a very complex disease that requires medical attention, so Ayurveda treatments can be helpful in relieving some symptoms, such as tissue dryness. This is achieved through heavy external and internal oiling; the external oiling occurs through massage using oils like Nirmalavayu strong Virya® and Jitaphala Virya®, the internal oiling happens by taking ghee (clarified butter) and raw extra virgin olive oil.

To eliminate constipation, which always accompanies the dryness of the tissues, we suggest a balanced diet and taking Adhogam Virya® and Amavata Virya®, which help the natural bowel function. Associating Gam Virya®, Grahah Virya® and Chayavanaprasha Virya®, we help to nourish the enfeebled tissues.