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vacciniPeriodically discussions light up on the issue of vaccine safety. According to the Italian Ministry of Health, for the primary prevention of infectious diseases vaccination is one of the most effective and safely available interventions. But not everyone, even within the pharmaceutical world, agrees with that. There are studies, demonstrations about the dangers of vaccines (

Ayurveda, called the Science of Longevity, has a different approach in strengthening the body of a person. It does not speak of the wars against the viruses or bacteria, as the allopathic medicine does. Instead it highlights the “ground”, that is, the whole body and mind, by which a virus interacts. According to Ayurveda a healthy individual has by nature all the means to deal with microorganisms. Commonly, in the West, we speak of the immune system as the system that can handle infections. In Ayurveda we speak of Shrotas (channels), that have to be free from AMA (mucus, toxins) as AMA is a breeding ground, according to Ayurveda, for the establishment and development of micro-organisms including viruses.

For this, Ayurveda prescribes to eliminate and even better avoid creating AMA. How?

First of all by improving the digestive fire to avoid creating new AMA, which is derived primarily from partially digested food that is not normally excreted in the faeces, but is redistributed throughout the body through the macro and micro channels present in organs, tissues, cells. For this reason we recommend ayurvedic preparations such as the powders Trikatu Virya® and Appeto Virya®. They are to be used as an appetizer before meals, mixed with a little ghee (clarified butter) or honey, and to be used during the cooking of food, to stimulate the digestion of the stomach and to rebalance the intestinal flora.

To open the “channels” Ayurveda prescribes products such as the tablets Adhogam Virya® that remove waste from the gut, while the tablets Hara Virya®, the ready- to- use decoction Nirjala Virya® eliminate AMA also in more subtle “channels”. Instead, the special jam Chayavanaprasa Virya® strengthens the body (the immune system). To strengthen the body like Ayurveda does, the only respectful way of physiology is to act as real prevention in every citizen.