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emorroidiHaemorrhoidal disorders are a physiological response of the body to the accumulation of excess heat (Pitta Dosha) and the loss of tone of the tissues. The causes may be various: sedentary lifestyle, stress, too tight-fitting trousers, poor nutrition.

In these cases we first of all recommend to implement a few small changes in your lifestyle. For example: if you have a sedentary lifestyle, find time to walk at least one hour a day; use less tight-fitting clothing; try to avoid eating heating foods and foods that favour the stagnation of liquids such as yoghurt, cheese, chili, tomatoes, alcohol, chocolate, shellfish, crustaceans and prefer to eat fruits and vegetables in season.

A food diet alone, however, may not be enough to solve the problem. Therefore we advise to take the powder Mala Shodana Virya® that cools the intestine and in particular the pelvic area; the decoction Pinasa Virya® improves microcirculation and eliminates oedema. The tablets Kancha Virya® help the reabsorption of haemorrhoids and decongest the lymph channels. The local application of the ointment Tapaka Virya® facilitates evacuation and promotes mucosal healing. We recommend drinking herbal teas, that refresh the pelvic viscera to lighten the disorder, such as the herbal tea Pitta Samya Virya®.