Virya Shop

Virya Shop

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latteWe are in the Adamello-Brenta Nature Park in Trentino, in the Bedole mountain hut at1641 metre in the Val di Genova, where the valley ends and the amphitheater of the Adamello opens, above which there is the glacier and the river Sarca (Sacred) is born.
We decided to reach the mountain hut Mandrone at 2480 metre (near the glacier), a round trip within the day with a difference in altitude of about 850 metres. Even if the walk does not present any climbing difficulty at the end of the day we are tired, worn out by several hours of walking, but happy to have admired fantastic views, in a beautiful sunny day!

Just as we arrived home we drank a cup of warm milk with Milk Masala Virya®, to recuperate our energies well and harmoniously. In a short time we returned to our normal strength being able to enjoy the evening with friends!

Why did we choose to drink milk?

According to Ayurveda, milk is a food of a Sweet.Rasa (Taste), The Sweet taste is the flavour that nurtures all of our cells, our tissues, our body at best. The Sweet flavour creates satisfaction, in this case the need for nourishment. The Sweet taste has the Earth element among its constituents and therefore restores stability and consistency to the body after the movement that has lasted for several hours during the walk.

The Sweet taste also adds the element of Water rebuilding fluids lost by sweating.

Additionally, whole cow’s milk contains fats that rebuild the joints and tendons. Therefore, after a physical exercise it is a good rule for Ayurveda to drink hot milk. To digest it better we advise adding spices such as the powder Milk Masala Virya® containing spices to digest its lipid, protein and vitamins’ portions. Milk should always be drunk alone, unaccompanied by other foods such as coffee, pastries, jams … to be well assimilated.