Virya Shop

Virya Shop

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male alla spallaThe acute pain that pierces the shoulder preventing to complete any movement in scientific terms is called rotator cuff periarthritis. In Ayurveda this disorder results from an excess of the energy field Vata Dosha (Air), localised in the shoulder, specifically in the rotator cuff that Vata has made dry, rough and inflamed.

In these cases we suggest to keep the shoulder warm, not only with woolen clothing, but also by oiling it with oil compounds like Ashu Virya® that have the ability to feed and take away the inflammation of the cartilage. At the same time, to decrease the excess of Vata Dosha (Air) it is necessary to also act internally with the preparations Amavata Virya® and Boswellia Virya® that lubricate the joints and eliminate “toxins” (AMA), favouring a normal restoration of the function of movement.

We finally advise to associate a healthy diet free of “cold” and “wet” foods like cheese, yoghurt, bananas, acids such as tomatoes, kiwi or nervine drinks, which promote the excess imbalance of Vata Dosha.