Virya Shop

Virya Shop

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stress e ansia daesamiExams are an assessment of the capabilities that many live with nervousness heightened by personal expectations or that of family and friends. The stress of the examination and the  performance anxiety can be “scaled”. In Ayurveda this moment of trial is an important period of psychological growth of the individual and should not be overlooked, but rather supported not only mentally, but also physically.

Any stage of growth and learning is one of four “ages” of a person’s life and requires special support. For this reason, if you have to take an exam, to keep yourself calm and focused, we offer the tablets Tulsi Virya® that reduce stress and improve memory and the jam Chayavanaprasha Virya® which has an  antioxidant and tonic effect.

Mental clarity is essential. In addition to what we suggested before, for males we therefore suggest to add the Tejas Virya®, while for females we offer the Shatavari Virya® tablets. If you are very tense you can be take Tejas Virya® and Shatavari Virya® simultaneously regardless of your gender.

We recommend associating this with a healthy lifestyle, ie, meals that provide energy and are easy to digest, to respect meal times, to avoid staying up late at night, sleep at least eight hours and take regular physical activity throughout the day.