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costipazione1Constipation is a disorder that affects many people chronically or intermittently. It is a disorder caused by the difficulty of “emptying” the gut every day, which may cause various problems if neglected, such as cardio-circulatory problems, obesity, severe intestinal disorders, anxiety. The causes of constipation are varied: a sedentary lifestyle, a diet based on refined foods such as white bread, sausages and processed meats, the abuse of medicines, alcohol and / or nerve agents. Even the climate and environmental changes can provoke constipation. In fact, the appearance of the so-called traveler constipation is frequent.

According to Ayurveda constipation is a result of the imbalance of the energy element Vata Dosha (air), which is based in the colon. Its excess causes a flow which is reverse to the physiological one, from the top to the bottom. The excess of Vata Dosha slows down the movement, or even blocks peristalsis causing a stagnation of waste in the gut.

In such cases we recommend to change the diet by introducing cooked and spiced vegetables and fruits. The spices and herbs (Churna® Kitchen) serve not only to activate the digestion, but also have an anti-fermentative action. We recommend combining a correct diet with drinking hot herbal teas that help to keep the intestines clean, such as Koshtha Virya® or to aid digestion as Pavana Virya®.

In case of constipation and for the travellers, we advise balancing preparations such as the tablets Adhogam Virya® to keep the intestines clean and prevent constipation and Gam Virya® that balances the colon and brings back the air flow downwards. For children we recommend liquid preparations such as Virechan Virya®.

To improve the intestinal flora or eliminate spasms that the excess intestinal air can cause we recommend the tablets Grahah Virya®.